Today I woke up to the realization that it is my birthday.
I am now 35 years old. So I thought I would take the time to write down some brief thoughts on the matter. Here's what 35 years of life has me thinking.
I am now 35 years old. So I thought I would take the time to write down some brief thoughts on the matter. Here's what 35 years of life has me thinking.
At 35 the first thing you notice is...... how am I'm 35 already? When did that happen? I never felt like I would be this age, in fact I still don't feel 35 now. People are often surprised when they find out my age....
And I never really know if that's a compliment or an insult.
I know it sounds kind of dumb that I never thought I would be this age but it's true. You've never been older than you are right now so it's hard to wrap your head around ever being older than that. Sure, you know it's going to happen but most of us try to ignore it..... Like an elevator fart or our student debt. We just hope that if we don't pay attention to it it will just kind of, go away on it's own.
Like that weird orange dude running for prez.
Like that weird orange dude running for prez.
But unfortunately, like the orange guy, it's a part of life. All who read this are indeed getting older. We are not permanent. We are beautiful flowers that bloom, and ultimately wilt, in a vase that we get to use but not keep.
We are tobogganing down the twists and turns of the snowy hill of life on a crazy carpet that is bound to sooner or later fall apart.
So try not to eat it on the way down.
Yes, we are indeed living in amazing bodies.....that will betray us over time. These bodies are incredible feats of nature and arguably the most complicated thing in the known universe.
We are meat covered skeletons that are made out of ancient pieces of exploded stars. We walk around exploring the world and ourselves while on a rock that is floating in the cold, never-ending dark of space.
It's a mind-blowing realization. To truly look at the scope of the whole thing and what will happen to these bodies we call us, can be overwhelming to say the least.
But then again, maybe we are more than our bodies....
Ok..... so before we tumble down the existential rabbit hole any further and get lost like Neo in an Ikea that only sells spoons, let's get back to the subject of age because there's lots to cover and....
we aren't getting any younger.
There are those who are ashamed to admit their age, especially in the industry I work in and I am occasionally looked at by people who think that my age is a bad thing. As if I shouldn't admit it as freely as I do .....but as an old wise lady once said: “Ain't nobody got time for that.”
Yes, some think being younger is something to be proud of.
To which begs the response:
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Just ask Carrie Ann Fischer who recently took flack for looking her age in the new Star Wars movie (killer flick btw one for the ages)
Her response?
“Beauty and youth are not accomplishments to be proud of.”
Couldn't agree more Princess.
Way to force the issue;)
Being proud of youth is like being proud of a sunny day.
You didn't create either and neither are here to stay.
Not only do I think one should not be proud of their youth but I sure as hell won't be ashamed of my age. In fact, I'm damn proud of it. Ever single year on this planet and I'm just getting started. I've done some things. I've learned stuff I never would've imagined. I've climbed mountains, written songs, surfed waves and dove oceans. I've jumped out of planes and into trains while travelling more than I ever would've dreamed. I had more jobs than you know and through it all I've been lucky enough to make great friends from all corners of the world. I've pushed myself to grow as a person while getting my ass kicked; only to get back up and do it again.
But still haven't learned humility apparently.
So why the hell would I be ashamed of my years? My 35 years of experience are what walk into a room with me. I take them everywhere with me. They are my ammo in a fight and my light in the dark. When I go somewhere I've never been, I have everything I've ever done, right there with me at my disposal....
and that can never be taken away from me.
I do not judge my wealth
in things that can be taken from me.
When I see someone who only wants to be young, I actually kind of feel bad for them. You want to go back to cluelessly thinking you know everything? You would rather have uninformed opinions and be plagued with crippling, acne covered, self doubt? No experience to fall back on? thank you. When I was 18, I thought this was a good look.
Yeah....I'll take the age I'm at thanks.
Because I'm proud of my years of experiences and I refuse to start calling myself old already. You can call me old when I'm in diapers again because when I'm an old man, looking back on my life I surely won't look back on 35 and think: “Man, I was old.”
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Not likely.
In fact, to start calling myself old now would mean that I have to be old for the rest of my life and seeing how this is the only life I expect to get, I sure as shit won't be spending it convincing myself I'm too old to live it. If anything, I'm stoked to be this young because it's the last time I'll will ever be this young again. So here's some advice from my 35 years:
It's time to stop dreaming and start planning.
We spend too much time worrying about our mistakes, worrying about being judged and worrying about getting older, all three of which will happen regardless and no amount of worry or money will stop that.
So why bother?
To put it more purdy:
In our youth,
we worry we might be judged for the things that we do,
and yet in our old age we will certainly judge ourselves for the things that we never did.
So for those of you who judge people for their age, you can shove that anti-ageing, caffeine infused eye roller stick where the sun don't shine and go wait in the car because I don't have time for it.
And frankly, neither do you.
It's time to stop stressing the wrinkles, wear your scars with pride and let your greys down. It's time to realize that the only way that getting older is a bad thing is if you are wasting your life doing something that you don't want to do.
For that is certain to make you feel old pretty quick.
And with that, I'd say it's about time to wrap this up.
So thanks for your time my friends and keep that heart of yours young.